David's First Board Experience

I often get asked how I got started in board education. It all started with my first board role at SPAR Aerospace, founded by the visionary Larry Clark and partially funded by Burns Brothers and Denton, where my father was CEO.
At the time, I worked for McKinsey & Company, and SPAR Aerospace had a huge engagement with NASA on the Canadarm project. So, given my analytical background and experience in the U.S., they brought me on board to add some new and youthful skill sets.
That, then, led to me chairing one of their high-tech subsidiaries in Silicon Valley, Comstream, which was situated right next door to Qualcomm.
This was a wonderful learning experience and a unique opportunity to be part of a pioneering project under Mr. Clark, whose genius and salesmanship succeeded in bringing the CanadARM to the world.
Learn more about Mr. Clark at Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame.